Solution for Commercial property
Planet reposible: "Mars"
Mars signifies
The courage of a person, aggression, power, passion, younger brother, surgeries of body, injuries taking place due to burns, reproductive parts of men, interest in sports, hemoglobin levels, metabolism, nose and muscles, acne, and being dynamic.
In the World – Areas related to engineering, police, Things related to war such as guns, bombs, explosions, and sudden attacks, High authorities posts like Army, Navy, and Defence, Accidents, Everything associated with Fire, Houses, Machinery and Adventure happening.
Crystals that can be used to solve:
Planet reposible: "Ketu"
Ketu (South Node) signifies
Detachment in a person, psychic abilities, having high intuitive nature, maternal grandfather, being spiritual, wounds, interest in occult science and pain, spine and cartilage of body.
In the world - Moksha, Non-materialistic, Dogs, Flying accidents, Spirits, Ghosts, Injurious, Sudden changes and Violent, Worms, Weapons, Epidemics, Detachment, and Imprisonment.